30 Things I've Learned by 30

Today is my 30th birthday! I’ve learned so many important lessons, some early on and others closer to 30 that I’m sharing today. For those of you under 30, maybe you’ll find a few tips useful. Cheers to always growing!

  1. You can’t start your skincare routine soon enough. Don’t wait.

  2. Don’t start slacking on the workout routine. Once 25 hits, your body starts to change and it gets harder to maintain that fit body.

  3. Collect more memories than things.

  4. Save some photographs and important mementos from youth, but don’t become a hoarder. It gets more difficult to move as you move around in life.

  5. Travel as much as possible while you’re young and untethered. Travel solo at least once!

  6. Keep the friends who matter close; the rest will slowly filter out of your life and you’ll be okay with it knowing they served their purpose in your life while they were there.

  7. Paying your bills on time and knocking out debt feels so good.

  8. Don’t feel pressured to be traditional with your timeline. Wait to have the kids. Don’t have kids. Get married later in life. You do what feels right. Do all the things, take risks, have fun.

  9. Dogs make life 100x better.

  10. Treat your body well. Eat clean and don’t fill it with crap.

  11. Don’t worry about keeping up with the Joneses.

  12. Save your money responsibly, but don’t hold back on living a little. Prioritize and invest in yourself and your life where it matters most to you.

  13. Keep an open mind. On people, politics, religions, cultures, everything. You don’t have everything in life figured out yet (you still won’t at 30), so know that our minds are designed to creatively think and evolve constantly. And it’s okay to have different opinions than your loved ones.

  14. No matter how much you love your parents, their outlooks on life are not definite. If they believe one way, it doesn’t mean you’re wrong for believing another. Do your research and form your own opinions.

  15. Move away from home for at least a year. You’ll be blown away by how rich the world is outside of your comfort zone.

  16. Tell your loved ones often how much they mean to you.

  17. Being kind is more important than being right.

  18. Life will get hard and feel lonely and dark at times. Hang in there and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

  19. Big goals take action. You’re going to have to invest your time, energy, and money into what you want to accomplish. Don’t write down a goal and walk away. Work for it.

  20. Work isn’t everything. Don’t lose sight of your family/friends in the name of “busy”.

  21. Don’t be a doormat. Stand up for yourself and what you believe in right from the start when someone tries to walk over you.

  22. Use your voice and vote for the greater good.

  23. Volunteer, pick up trash, donate to charity, be a good human.

  24. Life is better with a partner. If you find a good one, keep them close.

  25. If you’re not happy where you’re at - change something. It’s okay to quit a job, move across the country, and start over. Don’t stay static in misery. That’s not living.

  26. “No” is a perfectly acceptable answer.

  27. Let go of perfectionism. That shit is toxic.

  28. Don’t get cable. It forces you to spend less time with the TV and more time in the real world.

  29. The car you drive does not matter. No one cares if it’s cheap or expensive.

  30. Don’t worry what others think of you. Social media interactions are not real life.
